Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Pros and Cons of Giving Gift Cards

Gift Cards

For a while gift cards can seem like a very inconvenient gift. They take perfectly good money that you can spend anywhere and make it very inconvenient.

But really, Gift cards help make a decision for the people who they are given too. People are overwhelmed everyday with choices and decisions that they need to make. Our day starts off with options and the need to decided. Many people set up their like as a routine so they do not have to make decisions very often. The less often the better.

It’s much easier if things happen automatically, rather than to have to go through the process of evaluating the pros, the cons, the options, the strengths and weaknesses and matching that with your own preferences.

amazon gift card Gift Card

When you Give…

When you give Cash, it might go to routine bills, and not be used for a special celebration.

When you give a gift card, you give a pre-made choice and peace of mind.

Many state laws have changed so that gift cards do not start expiring soon as they used to. Gift cards are a convenient way to give a gift for any occasion. Gift cards are great for graduations, weddings, birthdays, going away to college, moving, having company, valentine’s day and more.

gift cards, shopping, giving, give, walmart